Jag vaknade till av ett duns.
"Wake up sleepy head." Sa en glad Eleanor.
"Hi." Sa jag och kramade om henne.
"So how are you?" Frågade hon allvarligt.
"Right now I don't know actually." Svarade jag lågt.
"But you know I will always be here for you. Never forget that." Sa hon och log varmt.
"I know."
"So with me I have some good movies and nutella." Sa hon glatt och räckte över en av nutella burkarna till mig. Vi slog igång filmen LOL och började kolla.

"I love this movie so muuuuch! He is sooooo cuuuute!" Sa Eleanor och lade sig ner i soffan och pep.
"Haha you're crazy." Skrattade jag.
"But admit it he is good looking." Sa hon och kollade på mig.
"Are you kidding whit me? He is so hooooot!" Sa jag och log brett.
"Ooops someone is calling." Sa hon och lirkade upp mobilen från fickan. "It's Louis can I just answer it?"
"Of course." Sa jag och lutade mig tillbaks i soffan.
Några minuter senare:
"There. Sorry for taking so long." Log hon. Jag log varmt tillbaks.
"So what did he want?"
"Just that he and the boys are going out for a dinner or something like that. They have to cheer Harry up he is a mess." Svarade hon.
"Did he explaine why he was a mess?"
"No but i think it is because of the news that he heard today. I just think that he is scared of loosing you." Sa hon vilket berörde mig.
"But I told him that I won't die." Sa jag lågt.
"But Harry he cares about people, he is just worried. That's all." Sa hon lugnt och klappade mig på axeln.
"But I don't want him to be sad. I don't know what to do."
"Just let him be with the boys so he can think about it. Louis said that they're just going to eat and then they will head home."
"Okay. So what shall we do now?"
"I know what we can do. We can talk."
"Talk about what?"
"Okay is it any subject you really want to talk about?" Sa jag och tog upp min mobil som vibrerade. En ny tweet från Harry. "Sorry I just have to see what he just wrote." Sa jag och låste upp mobilen.
We will get through this. I will be by your side all the time because I can't live whitout you. I love you @aliceandersson xxxx
Jag log och svarade honom. "There so what do you want to talk about?"
"Okay so I really want to give Louis something special. But I just don't know what to give him. Any ideas?"
"First of all why do you want to buy him something?"
"I just want to."
"Okay well if I was you I would buy him something special. Something that he really likes. But if you really want to surprise him just buy him some flowers and some candy. Haha I don't know I suck at that."
"No it's good. I can ask Dani and Perrie aswell."
"You do that." Log jag.
Två timmar senare:
"I think it's time for me to head home. Louis is probably coming in any minute now and I really want to be home."
"Okay well I see you later."
"Bye Alice love you."
"Love you too." Jag låste dörren och gick in till badrummet och fixade mig snabbt för sängen och gick med trötta steg in till sovrummet där jag landade med ett duns ner i sängen.
Hey babe I am tired so I am going to bed now. See you tomorrow I hope? Answer me as quick as possible Xx
Jag öppnade upp fotoalbumet på mobilen och log mot bilderna som Harry och jag gjorde rolga grimaser på. Min mobil vibrerade och jag öppnade upp smset.
Sorry for taking so long to answer. Anways I am going to be late staying out with Liam and Niall just so you know. Love you! xx
So your going to be out all night?
Yes I am going to be out all night. I guess. Why?
I thought we were going to spend time with each other tomorrow because you guys have your day of then. But if your not then I guess I am going to be alone tomorrow.
Just let me have some fun for ones! We can talk about this tomorrow.
Fine but I'm not the one who is going to have a hangover. Just saying but you know that I want the best for you. You know that right? I am sorry if I am acting strange it is just that I don't want you to be sad I want you to be happy. Do you understand? Anyways I love you my prince xx
Jag tröck på skicka och plockade sedan upp datorn från golvet. Ett plopp lät högt från facebook. Jag hoppade lätt till och tröck sedan upp facebook. Ett nytt meddelande från Louis.
Hi just so you know Harry is out and he probably will be out for the rest of the night. And that leads to that he won't be that social to you tomorrow so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and the boys to the mall? :) Just to do something fun so you don't sit inside all the time. Answer me as quick as possible so I know if you want to tag along or not! :D
Hi Louis. So he is going to have the worst hangover tomorrow? If so then yes of course! :D Shopping all day long with my four friends. But why aren't Dani, El and Perrie coming to? :((
They have work. Dani is going to rehears for a new dance. Eleanor isn't home tomorrow she is going to be with her mum all day long. Perrie is busy right now with the tour. And yes he is going to have the worst hangover tomorrow and I am warning you he is going to be in a bad mood. But we will pick you up at one o'clock tomorrow make sure you are standing outside when we're coming! :D
I will :) So any news?
News about what? :)
I don't know. Something? :)
Okay I am nervous...
Nervous about what?
The tour.
Because what if the fans won't like what we do? What if they are just going to boo us out on stage? Naaaaah just kidding :D They looooove us so no I don't have any news.
Louis you're good at lying :( Way too good.
I know I'm tha best! Anyways going to help Eleanor with the packing see you tomorrow! :D
Bye bye! :)
Jag loggade ut från facebook och kollade runt på olika bloggar. Mobilen vibrerade till vilket visade ett nytt sms från Harry.
I'm sorry for acting so strange I am just worried. That's all. I love you way to much. I am not going to stay out all night I am on my way home to you right now. I love you my princess xx
Jag reste mig snabbt upp ur sängen och småsprang in till hallen där jag låste upp dörren och satte mig sedan ner på golvet där och väntade in honom. Jag hörde efter en stund steg utanför som kom närmre dörren.
"Honey I'm home." Sa Harry och var påväg att hänga av sig jackan när han mötte min blick. Chockat satte han sig ner bredvid mig. "Why are you sitting here?" Frågade han efter en stund.
"I don't know." Svarade jag och ryckte lätt på axlarna. "So you never went out?" Frågade jag.
"Nope. I couldn't."
"Why not?"
"I just can't be happy about this. I can't be happy now that I know that you have cancer that is getting worse. I just don't know how to be happy." Sa han.
"Hey." Sa jag och tog tag i hans hand. "I am happy that you're here. Whitout you I don't know what I would've done. I just don't know how I would survive this if you weren't here. I love you Harry I always will." Jag såg hur en ensam tår rann nerför hans kind. "Harry please don't cry..." Sa jag och torkade försiktigt bort tåren.
"I love you so much." Sa han och drog in mig i hans famn.
"I love you too Harry. I love you too."
Det tog sin lilla tid men här har ni det. Nästa kan nog komma upp på onsdag. Jag tror det i alla fall är inte helt säker men har ni tur så. Hope you liked it! :)x
Btw. Kan finnas felstavningar men hoppas inte det orkade inte läsa igenom.