Little Things- Kapitel 14

publicerat i Little Things(avslutad);
"Sorry that I am late." Sa jag och försökte kontrollera andningen.
"It's okay. Today we are going to take some test and then we can talk." Sa doktorn och log varmt.
"But I thought we were just going to talk?"
"No we have to take a test to see if you still have your cancer."
"Fine. But can we talk first?" Frågade jag och satte mig ner på stolen.
"Okay tell me. How has your month been?"
"Amazing."Svarade jag med ett leende.

"I've read in the magazines that you have a boyfriend now. And no just anybody but Harry Styles, my daughter loves him." Sa han och log.
"Yes but he is on his way to America right now and is staying there for about three weeks." Sa jag och kollade ner på mina fingrar.
"Are you going to miss him?"
"Yes. I'm gonna miss him." 
"Well I am really bad at cheering up people but if you miss him so much then why don't you call him now?"
"Because he is up in the air."
"It doesn't matter. I think he misses you aswell so just try and call him I can wait." 
"I will be right back." Sa jag och tog upp mobilen.
"You can stay I will be quiet."
Jag log och tröck på Harrys nummer. Det lät flera toner och precis när jag trodde att han inte skulle svara så gjorde han det.
"Hello there." Sa jag.
"Hi my love. How are you now?"
"Better I'm at the hospital right now just taking some tests today and just talking with my doctor. Did you know that his daughter is a big fan of you guys?"
"No I didn't actually but that's cool."
"So what are you doing?"
"On the private plane and watching a movie."
"What are the other boys doing?"
"Zayn and Niall are sleeping. Liam is watching a movie on his computer and Louis is listening to music."
"Okay well I just wanted to hear your voice that's why I called."
"And I wanted to hear yours."
"I gotta go now but I love you Harry."
"I love you too." Jag la på och kollade upp mot doktorn som log.
"What?" Frågade jag.
"Nothing. Now we are going to take some tests on you and when that is done you can go home."
"What about the results?"
"We will send them to you."
"Okay but I am stayng at Harrys place right now."
"That's okay just write down the adress here and then we can go and take some tests."
Jag hänger av mig jackan och går trött in till sovrummet och plockar med mig underkläder och handuk. Jag ställer mig i duschen och duschar av mig snabbt och går sedan in till vardagsrummet där jag ligger och zappar runt på kanalerna. Inget alls att kolla på. Som vanligt. Jag suckade lågt och tog upp dagboken jag fått av Harry. Jag tog upp en penna och slog upp första sidan.
Hi diary. The time is now 12.01 and I have nothing to do :( sad face. I got this diary from Harry my lovely boyfriend to write down my feelings in it so that is what I am going to do. I have this strange feeling that something is wrong like I'm not feeling that well. I don't know I am just confused. My head hurts again and I miss you Harry. I really do it sucks that you are on your way to America. When you love someone and they are going away for a long time it's then you know how much you really love someone. I love you Harry and I want you to come home. I know you are still up in the air but I feel so lonely, so empty. I hate that feeling when you are feeling lonely. I miss you so much Harry. I do hope this three weeks are going to be fast! Well now I am going to sleep for a little while. XoXo.
Jag lade ner dagboken på bordet och kurade ihop mig under filten och kände hur ögonlocken blev allt tyngre och tyngre. Tillslut så somnade jag till.

Riktigt dåligt kapitel och kort dessutom men imorgon så kommer det komma upp ett längre och bättre kapitel ska skriva lite nu sen kolla på vampire diares bästa serien♥ Hope you liked it! :)Xx

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