" You'll be fine Mia. It's not that long. Just four weeks."
" Not that long huh? Four weeks. It's one month Liam. One month without you."
" Hey. Look at me Mia. You're going to be fine if you want something then just call Niall. Or Meg."
" Fine. Well I guess you have to leave now so you don't miss the plane."
" Yeah you're right. I love you Mia."
" I love you too Liam." Svarar jag och kysser han.
Jag vill inte att kyssen ska ta slut men såklart så gör den det. Han vänder sig om och springer ikapp sin familj. Några tårar rinner sakta nerför mina kinder. Jag ska klara det här. Men hur? Jag vill inte vara borta från Liam så länge. Nej på något sätt så ska jag klara detta.

" Meg are you home?" Frågar jag och låser upp dörren till lägenheten.
" No..uhm..well..basically.."
" You're home. Liam told me."
" Dammit can he never keep his mouth shut."
" Haha. But could you possibly come over. I'm sad and alone."
" Be there in five."
" Don't forget that I'm at the apartment."
" I know that you're there. Do you want anything? Like sweets or something?"
" No I want Liam."
" Boo boo you can always call him. But I have to hang up now see you soon."
" Bye."
Jag torkar bort några tårar och trycker upp Liams nummer. Han kanske inte kan svara eftersom att han är uppe i luften. Flera toner efter varandra men inget svar. Jag är nära på att ge upp.
" Hello?"
Yes det funkar.
" Liam?" Frågar jag osäkert.
" Mia? Is that you?"
" It's me. Liam I miss you already. I literally cried when you left."
" Aaaw honey don't cry. I miss you too. Miss your hugs and everything about you. But remember I'll be soon home. Okay?"
" Okay."
" Well I can't hear you that good so I have to hang up. But I love you loads and loads."
" I love you too. Bye babe."
" Bye my love."
Jag suckar lågt för mig själv och går in till köket där det ligger ett litet paket på bordet. På paketet så ligger det en lapp som ser ut som en hel novell. Jag börjar läsa den tyst för mig själv.
Honey I'm gonna miss you so much when I'm in South Africa so I want to write you something very beautiful. Or whatever you call it. Anyways. Where shall I begin? I remember the first time we met each other. You were so cute. Your smile is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my entire life. Do you know that? Well now you do. How long have we been togetherr? Is it like two or three years. What a horrible boyfriend I am that totally forget how long we've been together. Anyways you're the one that makes me happy. You're the one with thoose beautiful eyes. A beautiful smile and you're perfect for who you are. No one can ever change you. Because you are a wonderful person that I love so so much. I've made one big mistake when I kissed my ex and I'm so sorru for that. You were so sad I just couldn't handle it seeing you so sad. It teard me apart but you then forgive me and we continued with our lifes. I honsetly can't tell you what my life would look like if you weren't with me. Mia I love you so much. Togheter to the end no matter what. We stick togheter and we don't have secrets for each other. Remember if you miss me or you just want to talk to someone and Niall or Meg are busy then you know who to call. I know it can be very expensive but trust me it doesn't matter at all. Because four weeks without hearing your voice it's like trying to hold your breath for one hour. It's impossible and to not hear your voice for a month no that's too much. So please call me whenever you want. I don't care what time it is or what I'm doing I will pick up. And remember you're my world. Maybe I don't tell you this so much but I love you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Now you can open your present and then give me a call. And oh it's a note in there too. Love you loads. Lots of love Liam your little boo boo xx
Jag torkar bort mina tårar och öppnar upp den lilla presenten. Under inslaget av papper så ligger det en liten ask. Någonting inom mig säger att den här asken innehåller något värdefullt. Något jag aldrig skulle vilja tappa bort. Jag öppnar upp asken sakta och mina ögon blir nästan stora som tefat när jag ser vad som ligger inuti. Jag tar upp den ihopvikna lappen och börjar läsa.
I know that we're only eighteen but I want to spend my whole life with you. And I'm sorry that I couldn't be there today with you. But I will be soon home again. So Mia. Do you want to marry me? xxxxx
Jag skriker ja och hör hur dörren öppnas.
" Are you okay?" Hör jag en orolig röst.
" Yes. Can you believe it Meg I'm getting married." Säger jag och kramar om Meg.
" Congratulations Mia!"
" But I'm still sad." Säger jag och sätter mig ner.
" Why?"
" I miss my Liam."
" Stupid question. But call him and tell him that you've opend the present."
" I will." Säger jag med ett stort leende på läpparna.
Inte det längsta eller bästa. Men mår inte nå bra. Inte deppig utan jag mår inte bra känner mig hängig och allt usch! :( Men i alla fall här har ni kapitel 17! Och eventuella fel tsavningar kan finnas men ja! :)
Hope you liked it! :)
Ååh, jag lyssnade till Marry you med Bruno Mars fy va .. åhh!? Kan inte beskriva hur glad jag är! Så bäst kapitel :D <3 Love iiiiit!